library / Web Hosting FAQ / Virtual Hosting
- Presale Questions (0 / 7)
- Billing Questions (0 / 5)
- Hosting Panel (0 / 3)
- When I'm trying to connect to my account using FTP, the system doesn't respond for some time and then logs out with an error.
- Can I have many websites on one plan?
- Can I transfer my existing domain?
- Can I upgrade my hosting plan to get more disk, mailboxes and bandwidth?
- How can I check the web usage information for my domain?
- How do I change my credit card or billing information?
- How do I check how much disk space my files are using?
- How do I connect to my MySQL database?
- How do I disable directory listings?
- How do I get telnet or SSH access to the server?
- How do I import delimited data into MySQL?
- How do I make my own Error Documents to replace the default ones like 404 Not Found?
- How do I modify my login password?
- How do I protect a directory with .htaccess?
- How do I protect my website from comment spam?
- How long does a domain name registration last? Can it be renewed?
- What is IP-based web hosting?
- What is name-based web hosting?
- What is shared (virtual) web hosting?
- What PHP modules are available and how do I load them?
- Where can I see my website if my domain registration does not yet list the right DNS servers, or if I do not have my own domain name?
- Where is web-mail for my web site located?
- Which Apache modules are installed?